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Personalized Hormonal &Wellness Treatment Designed For You!

Your  body and mind have always been connected, but sometimes you may not feel like that is true. That is why AlfaGenix was created. You are unique and therefore we will give you a unique personalized treatment.

How it Works!

ALFAGENIX is an online hormal and nutritional program designed to cover and treat several aspects of your health in order to regain your well-being and achieve better long-lasting results. Discover a complete, integrative, and personalized approach to your health.

Start Your Personalized Treatment

Hormone Replacement

Male & Female

This Profile measures levels of estrogen (E2), progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, PSA (only males), and cortisol upon waking. It can be used to determine hormone excesses and deficiencies as well as to monitor hormone deficiencies that will help us in accessing and resolving your metabolic inbalances.

AlfaGenix's Hormonal Online Membership Program

You are unique, so your treatment should be too.  AlfaGenix’s online hormonal program is tailored to your needs, with a team of experts to help you reach your goals!

Every body is different. Choose which supplements best fits your needs.

Meet The Genius Minds
Behind AlfaGenix

Dr. Faride Ramos, M.D.

AlfaGenix Creator & CEO

Dr. Faride Ramos, M.D., FAARFM., ABAARM., is Board Certified in two specialties: Internal Medicine, as well as, Regenerative, AntiAging Medicine from the American Academy of AntiAging Medicine.  She has also completed an advanced certification in Functional Endocrinology, having fulfilled one of her passions which is balancing hormones with bio-identical therapeutic options as well as nutritional, intestinal, mental, and detoxification supports.

Dr. Ali Ghods, M.D.

AlfaGenix Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Ali Ghods, MD is a Board Certified Neurosurgeon specializing in complex diseases of the brain and spine. He is affiliated with numerous hospitals in the Fort Lauderdale area and is the sectional chief of neurosurgery at Holy Cross hospital. Dr. Ghods, himself, attests to the results of using natural supplements as opposed to pharmaceuticals since they have significantly improved his own health as well as his patients.

Still Have Questions?
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Choose the test kit that best describes your symptoms and take our free online evaluation whenever, wherever.