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Men’s Sexual Health

Men’s Sexual Health Program

Our membership program includes an initial one-time start-up fee followed by a monthly payment which provides all the benefits described below.

Males with ED Membership Program

  • Optional Reduced Priced Initial Screening Kit for exams (saliva/blood spot for sex hormones)
  • Reduced price for follow-up kit to assess your progression of any abnormal hormonal level found in the first testing
  • Initial visit (virtual/video call) with our Functional Doctor (M.D.)
  • Personalized prescribed compounding medications for ED/Low Sex Drive, shipped every 2 months to your doorstep.
  • Free and discrete medication shipping to your doorstep
  • Ongoing support is provided by our Functional Doctors via email/text messages during business hours*, Monday through Friday
  • Exclusive reduced prices for all supplements and additional recommended medications

Males with ED One-Time Plan

  • Free and discrete medication shipping to your doorstep
  • Ongoing support is provided by our Functional Doctors via email/text messages during business hours, Monday through Friday
  • Exclusive reduced prices for all supplements and additional recommended medications

Medications such as sildenafil, tadalafil, among others, are not the solution to  ED. They help to hide symptoms, but the root of the problem requires more than just a generic medication. This is why AlfaGenix has a step-by-step process for prescribing ED medications via our Low Sex Drive Resolution Program. 

After a triage questionnaire, our doctors will determine whether or not there are any contraindications with drugs like sildenafil or tadalafil. After our analysis, our doctors from AlfaGenix will approve these medications or recommend other ones  accordingly restore your sexual performance .

Often, ED is caused by a combination of issues. A common notion that people believe is, “Low testosterone is the primary cause of ED.” While low testosterone (i.e., hypogonadism) can cause ED, it is usually not the only cause.

While hypogonadism can occur in men of any age, it’s natural for men to experience a progressive decline in testosterone levels as they get older. Testosterone therapy is a treatment option to restore serum testosterone to the middle of the normal physiological range, minimizing symptoms of hypogonadism. There are several benefits to testosterone therapy, including:

  • Improved sexual function (sex drive, erectile function, orgasm)
  • Reduction in lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)
  • Anemia prevention
  • Improved mood, energy, wellbeing, and quality of life
  • Reduce risk of depression
  • Increase in muscle mass and strength
  • Decrease in overall body fat mass and belly (visceral) fat mass
  • Increase in bone mineral density

In fact, your ED may not even be a result of a hormonal imbalance. Erectile dysfunction occurs in men who experience anxiety, depression, chronic stress, and other mental ailments. In many cases, specialists will recommend therapy sessions with a sexologist to figure out what is really causing a patient’s ED. In other cases, what works for patients is a change in lifestyle. Some unbalanced eating habits and your exercise routine (or lack of one) may play a key role when it comes to your sexual health. Smoking and excessive drinking can also be causes of ED.

One of the main drugs that doctors turn to when treating ED is sildenafil (sold as Viagra) as well as tadalafil (sold as Cialis). These medications won’t fix the root of the problem but will help you restore your function and have a more pleasant encounter for you and your partner. That is why we offer you the option of having a free evaluation at AlfaGenix. This will first help determine if your diagnosis is Erectile Dysfunction (ED). From there you will be offered different treatment options and you choose the one that is the most convenient for your lifestyle.

Feel relief with a balanced treatment plan.

At AlfaGenix, we take all of these factors into consideration. Our doctors prescribe treatments not based on a one-size-fits-all, but on an individualized level to address your specific needs.

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Unsure about a treatment plan? Schedule an apppointment today with one of our doctors for more information or to answer any questions you might have.